Maine Woodland Owners and You: A Natural Partnership

Maine Woodland Owners is a statewide, member-supported organization that advances stewardship of Maine’s small woodland resources through the encouragement of good forest management and the advocating for and supporting of Maine's small woodland owners. We are the only statewide organization dedicated to supporting the interests and serving the needs of Maine’s 86,000 woodland owners, owning from a few, to a few thousand acres.

Our work provides resources, knowledge, and advocacy necessary to promote forest stewardship of their acres. Through our Membership program we provide regular outreach, education and guidance from our staff and broad network of forestry resources. Additionally, with our Land Trust program conserving over 11,000 acres in 52 municipalities through out the state, we are conserving land. demonstrating good forest management, and offering legacy planning options to our members and the public.

Maine Woodland Owners is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Watch the Maine Public Video about Maine Woodland Owners

From the Executive Director

As a third generation woodland owner myself, I know that owning and managing small woodland properties in Maine can be very rewarding, but there are many challenges too. Issues that small woodland owners deal with include taxes, public use of private lands, land use regulations, protecting wildlife habitats and water quality, marketing of forest products and how to find reliable foresters, loggers and other professionals. That is where Maine Woodland Owners comes in. Whether you are a knowledgeable, longtime woodland owner or just getting started, we can help.

Maine Woodland Owners is also a tremendous advocate for landowners with state agencies and other organizations, ensuring landowner’s voices are heard.

We hope you will consider becoming a member of Maine Woodland Owners to help us continue to be the premier resource for woodland owners. No ownership is too large or small. Our member’s woodlands range in size from a few acres to a few thousand acres, and everything in between.

There is strength in numbers. Your membership and support of our organization will determine the future for Maine woodland landowners.

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