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Newsletter Articles
Olivia Nicolarsen, forestry outreach coordinator, provides an overview of NRCS cost-share programs that provide financial assistance for woodland owners to improve the health of their forests.
Tom Doak provides an overview of the legislation that Maine Woodland Owners is focused on during Maine’s 132nd Legislative Session.
Forest Outreach Coordinator, Olivia Nicolarsen assists woodland owners and foresters with the implementation of practices to enhance their forestland.
Land Trust forester, Joe Hutton, talks about the ingredients needed for a good harvest operation.
Max McCormack writes about the founder of Maine Woodland Owners (previously SWOAM), Duncan Howlett, and McCormack’s personal memories of Howlett and the reason he decided to start the organization.
Deputy Executive Director, Karla Black presents the latest updates about bills of interest at the Maine Legislature as mid-August 2023.
Deputy Executive Director, Karla Black presents the latest updates about bills of interest at the Maine Legislature as mid-July 2023.
Deputy Executive Director, Karla Black presents the latest updates about bills of interest at the Maine Legislature as mid-June 2023.
Deputy Executive Director, Karla Black presents the latest updates about bills of interest at the Maine Legislature as mid-May 2023.
Bob Seymour discusses how forest numeracy – the ability to understand and apply quantitative concepts when making silvicultural prescriptions, can help woodland owners understand their forest’s ability to grow carbon and determine if it would be marketable in the future.
Karla Black, Deputy Executive Director discusses the amicus brief that Maine Woodland Owners has filed in the appeal of a lawsuit filed against the Commissioner of the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, targeting Maine’s ban on Sunday hunting.
Karla Black, Deputy Executive Director, provides an update of the 131st legislative session as of mid April 2023 with a focus on the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee hearing for three pro-Sunday hunting bills.
Karla Black, Deputy Executive Director, provides an update of the 131st legislative session as of mid March 2023.
Karla Black, Deputy Executive Director, provides an update of the 131st legislative session as of mid February 2023.
Karla Black, Deputy Executive Director, provides an update of the 131st legislative session as of mid January 2023.
Chris Jackson, a member of Maine Woodland Owners board of directors, offers his view of the important work the organization conducts at the Maine state legislature onbehalf of woodland owners.
Deputy Executive Director, Karla Black offers a preview of possible policy areas that the 131st Legislative session will take up that impact woodland owners in Maine.
Author Carey Kish writes about his experience hiking in the Maine Woodland Owners Clifford Woods land trust property and adjacent properties in Farmington.
Maine Woodland Owners land trust properties contain several miles of snowmobile trails. Recently, our organization has entered into an agreement with the State of Maine to maintain relationships with snowmobile clubs to ensure that the trails on our properties are maintained and the users of the trails uses them with respect.
Max McCormack provides an overview of DBH (diameter breast height) and its usage in forest management and silvicultural considerations.
Bob Seymour discusses the various options he considered when deciding whether to pursue selling forest carbon credits from his various woodlots or to continue harvesting the properties for timber.
Growing the National Christmas Tree is a rich experience. In 1965, Max McCormack had the opportunity to prepare that year’s tree for transport to Washington, DC.
Baldwin Apple Ladders are a Maine-based company known for their high quality workmanship in the apple ladder industry.
The wood market is quickly changing both in Maine and globally. Ethan Bessey talks about the realities woodland owners face.
The 130th Maine legislature has been working on a handful of bills that impact woodland owners. Karla Black and Tom Doak have been tracking the progress of each.
Yet another Sunday hunting bill was introduced and voted on in the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee in the Maine Legislature in March 2022. It failed with a vote of 9-4.